港務公司針對過去一整年港埠業務之蓬勃發展,特別於週年慶祝活動中就促進商港營運績效具有卓越貢獻之績優客戶,頒予「客戶貢獻獎」獎牌以表達誠摯感謝及敬意。獲表揚之公司共有32家,主要包括長榮、陽明、萬海國內三大航運公司,以及東方海外及美國總統輪船等國外航運公司,同時,也有中華全球石油及東立物流等國內知名投資及物流公司入選表揚行列。另針對去年台灣郵輪市場快速發展、郵輪艘數與搭乘郵輪人數大幅攀升,港務公司也特別頒予麗星郵輪(STAR CRUISES)及皇家加勒比海遊輪公司(Royal Caribbean lnternational)卓越貢獻獎,以感謝該兩家公司對於促進臺灣郵輪產業蓬勃發展之卓越貢獻。
港務公司為培育航運優秀專業人才、提升台灣海事教育水準使之與國際接軌,特別爭取與英國皇家特許船舶經紀人協會(Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers)香港分會合作,於週年慶祝會上簽署合作備忘錄,並宣示共同合辦「海運及船舶專業課程」,期透過英國皇家特許船舶經紀人協會於國際航運業之重要影響力,共同合作致力於臺灣航運產業人才之培育與發展,以提高台灣航運之全球競爭力,會後特別邀請來台簽署合作備忘錄之ICS香港分會陳耀棋主席以Overview of Shipping 為題向航業界介紹ICS課程。
Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC) marked the second anniversary of its founding on March 1st, 2012, with a commemorative ceremony today (March 3rd) at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC). TIPC further took advantage of the opportunity by presenting remarkable-contribution awards to 32 of its main customers. TIPC employees added to the festive air with dancing and singing performances. Guests at the event included representatives from various central and local government agencies, Legislators, city mayors and county magistrates, shipping companies, terminal operators, port tenants, and other TIPC business associates.
2013 was a fruitful year for TIPC, which saw handled container volume rise to 14.05 million TEU, Free Trade Zone volume and value grow respectively to 14.09 million tons and NT$501.7 billion, and international cruise passengers rise by 70% to 550,000 transits. Adding to the good news, TIPC invested NT$12.6 billion in 2013 to expand and upgrade physical infrastructures and software facilities at its ports. Furthermore, Free Trade Zone promotions have gained solid traction and Kaohsiung is now an approved London Metal Exchange (LME) delivery port.
The spotlight of today’s celebration was on the remarkable-contribution awards given to highlight TIPC’s appreciation for the long-term support and business of its major customers. Among the 32 winners were Taiwan’s three shipping powerhouses Evergreen, Yang Ming and Wan Hai as well as Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) and American President Lines (APL). The winners’ list also included rising stars in the domestic energy and logistics sectors Chenergy Global Corporation and Tonglit Logistics.
2013 was a year of stellar performance for Taiwan’s cruise market, with sharp rises in both cruise ship and passenger arrivals. TIPC recognized long-term partners STAR CRUISES and Royal Caribbean International with remarkable-contribution awards.
Cutting carbon emissions to reach stringent green-port goals is central to TIPC’s business model. TIPC is making harbor buildings more environmentally friendly, installing shore-power facilities, establishing eco-friendly transportation measures, and opening recreational green spaces within its ports in order to improve local environments and help foster green harbor cities. TIPC is a joint sponsor of the “2014 Green Port Project Contest for College Students” with the National Taiwan Ocean University to promote sustainable development of harbor cities in Taiwan.
To enhance professionalism within Taiwan’s maritime industry and remain on the cusp of international maritime education, TIPC also penned an MOU with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) for future training and know-how collaboration. Following the anniversary celebration ceremony, ICS Hong Kong branch Chairman Mr. Yiu-Kei Chan gave a briefing entitled “Overview of Shipping” to introduce ICS’ training program.
Creating a favorable climate for cooperation in order to build Taiwan’s ports into sustainable, world-class operations for mutual benefit was the common goal of TIPC and of all the guests assembled today. All look forward to an increasingly bright future for the maritime sector and for the businesses that rely on Taiwan’s international commercial ports.
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Port Business Department, TIPC
Yvonne Chen
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陳一芳 高級督導